Are you sick of hearing the same old thing when you're listening to music? I'm sure you guys all have your favorite playlists saved but at some point you need to recharge them with some new tracks, right? Well, here's your chance to check out something different and I'm going to bet that you'll find a new track or two that you'll love!
The POWER HOUR with Jaggy Naughton - "VIVA LA MUSICA!" (SEP.17.15 - 9pm EST)
"You've been asking for a follow-up episode to "Envisage!", which was my Eurovision-tribute episode, so... THIS IS IT! It's gonna be a non-stop, Euro-pop, SoundFactory-tribute extravaganza with more music than I have ever crammed into a single hour! BOOM!" says Naughton of his upcoming broadcast.
Here are all the details:
- Thursday | 17 SEPTEMBER 2015
- 9pm Eastern (8pm Central | 7pm Mountain | 6pm Pacific)
- (At show time, simply click the "Play Now" button slightly down the page!)