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DailyBoom Your Old School Music Authority

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Daily Boom 80's Throwback: Rod Stewart- 'Crazy About Her'

Last night I was cleaning up and I had a DVR'ed episode of Totally 80's videos on and was reminded of an old Rod Stewart song. He had a LOT of stuff out in the 80's and some songs seem to have stuck in my head better than others. Stewart's Out of Order album back in 1988 introduced us to a string of hits like "Lost In You", "Forever Young" and "My Heart Can't Tell Me No" but I had completely forgotten about another track- "Crazy About Her".

It was actually the fourth single off of the album and reached number 11 on Billboard's charts back in 1989. It actually probably ranks as one of my very favorite Stewart songs. Check out the video below. Do you guys remember this one?