(You want it all right)...We're goin' in style
Say you walk right--you talk right--and your hair's so wild
(Snow-white)--Hey that's not what I mean
We go down in the shadows and crawl between
Moonlight in the city brings the magic to your eyes
Freezin' a moment--leave me paralyzed
Breathe an emotion--set it dancin' in my ear
Bring on the rhythm when I hold you near
Take me in your arms--roll me through the night
Take me to your heart--rock me tonite
Say you walk right--you talk right--and your hair's so wild
(Snow-white)--Hey that's not what I mean
We go down in the shadows and crawl between
Moonlight in the city brings the magic to your eyes
Freezin' a moment--leave me paralyzed
Breathe an emotion--set it dancin' in my ear
Bring on the rhythm when I hold you near
Take me in your arms--roll me through the night
Take me to your heart--rock me tonite
Apparently, MTV was waiting for a video to world premiere and in spite of Squier's label not exactly liking the concept, they went ahead and made this thing. While Squier has blamed Ortega for the fallout, I have to wonder how on earth he could have watched this thing back and thought it was good. Squier, an already established rocker with serious credibility danced, pranced and romped his way right out of a career. It's amazing what 4 bad minutes on film did to this guy. Almost immediately his ticket sales dropped like a brick. While Squier is still around making music, it is widely believed that the "Rock Me Tonite" video was the equivalent of career suicide for him.
This video is also thought to be the absolute worst video in the history of MTV, so enjoy how awesomely bad it is. Can you think of any other video that is worse?